6th Virtual International Conference

Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2024

October 21-22, 2024

About the Conference

We invite scientists and experts to contribute with their research to the successful exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of knowledge management, risk management and innovation in IT technologies.

The Conference organizers are: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in cooperation with Complex Systems Research Centre.

The Conference is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed in double tier approval process.

All accepted papers will be published in PaKSom 2024 Conference Proceedings with ISBN number and in online archive.

Extended versions of selected papers will also be published in one of the following journals:

  • Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering
  • Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics
  • Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing

The conference language is English.

Paper Submission

Authors can submit either full paper or extended abstract via e-mail paksom@cosrec.org and each paper must be formatted using the Conference Template.
Instructions on submitting your manuscript can be viewed on the website: https://paksom.cosrec.org/guide-for-authors/ 

Accepted papers for the conference.